CGF constantly strives to achieve "zero fault" quality. This level of requirement has necessitated the set-up of a quality assurance plan compliant with the ISO 9004-5 standard.
1. Responsible management
2. Quality assurance plan, quality system and management reviews
3. Contract reviews
4. Design control
5. Document control
6. Purchasing
7. Product provided by the customer
8. Identification and traceability
9. Process control
10. Controls and tests
11. Management of control equipment
12. Progress of controls and tests
13. Management of non-compliant products
14. Remedial actions
15. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation, deliveries
16. Management of quality and conservation period registrations
17. Quality audits
18. Training
19. Associated services
20. Statistical techniques
A regulation monitoring system provides permanent monitoring of the compliance of CGF products with the regulations in force, including as regards their suitability for contact with foodstuffs.